Saturday, February 22, 2014


Strengths and Weaknesses of Distance Learners

            As previously defined, distance education is an official educational system that uses communication technology as its platform for leaning. In difference to in-class courses, distance education does not promote physical presence of teachers nor students in a classroom. Distance education uses technology to provide the necessary materials and guidance for successful course achievement and completion. Nevertheless, students practicing distance education have strengths and weaknesses that deliver from the basis of this modality. These characteristics may impact learners differently, since each student has different attitudes towards their learning process and life expectations. The multiple-intelligence aspect plays also a very important role when choosing the appropriate courses and materials; this at least, worked for me.
            There are strengths that a distance education learner can acquire or develop while coursing this method. One of them is becoming more technologically skilled. The usage and interaction with technology is an important aspect of everyday life. The use of computers and internet is a must, nowadays. Distance education lets the learner explore different ways to investigate, produce, or transfer information. Since technology is the main platform for class interaction, the student can explore the World Wide Web to successfully find the resources needed to complete original and precise work, not mentioning that there are also social platforms where they can exchange ideas and thoughts with different colleagues and teachers. In my case, the usage of technology has taken me to accomplish my goals in college and develop significant learning fully applicable to my life and professional career. 
Another strength that could be found or developed in distance education is autonomy. Distance education lets students decide when and how they will be working on their assignments. Becoming autonomous is a major encouragement in new wave educational institutions, and distance education promotes this value highly. Autonomy is a synonym of responsibility; therefore, this is a major strength that every student and person should have. In my opinion, as part of my adult life, being autonomous is a guarantee of success and personal balance.
            In regards of the weaknesses that a distance learner may encounter while coursing this type of system, two come to my mind: the poor interaction and feedback from teachers and other students, and the experience with technology in a negative way. As humans, we are naturally social. A distance learner may find the aspect of loneliness hard to overcome, at least this happen to me once. Since the interaction among the class is through a virtual platform and in many cases only in written form, the learner may find himself unsecured about his progress, what to do with the assignments, and/or even when to do them.  Learners who are not accustomed to self-directed courses may feel isolated from the rest of the group and the learning experience itself. This may drive the student to feel unmotivated, depressed and unsecured; these last aspects could be igniters that may encourage students to abandon their studies. At one point, when I went back to finish high school, I enrolled in several distance courses, and these aspects, mention above, made me regret being part of them, but I must confess that my main failure was that I wanted to learn like some of my partners and never paid attention to my own way of learning. 
            Furthermore, another weakness that a distance learner may have is the use of technology. Technology nowadays is changing at rapid rate, and new applications and appliances are being used in distance education courses. The problem then resides in the skills that the learner has and the accessibility to such technology. For instance, certain courses need modern computer programs to accomplish their objectives. For instance, let us say that a student does not know how to manage this programs or worst cannot get the programs at all. This may cause frustration and discouragement to an extreme level.
In conclusion, there are different issues a distance learner may confront when using this educational system; however, distance learners should be encouraged to think positive and become aware of the difficulties that they may encounter in this system; by this I mean, getting informed. Distance learning is, sometimes, taken as an easy to pass-class experience, but the fact is that it should not be taken for granted. Students (including myself) should meditate on the risks and challenges of this modality, and the educational institutions should disclose this information explicitly when recruiting students. From experience, something that helped define what skills and aptitudes I was best at is the Multiple-Intelligence Test; therefore, I encourage students, teachers, and any educational institution to promote its usage since this is an essential aspect that may significantly impact the formation of any person who wants to achieve learning and academic competence.  

                                           Just for fun: I share with you my Multiple Intelligence Test results.

Intelligence type
my totals

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Distance education and open education

When speaking about learning, there are many ways in which a person may enjoy and practice this process. Many people have the need and seek for different options when attempting to learn, and many aspects must be taken in consideration to fulfill these needs. Some characteristics that people tend to look for when choosing their learning method and institution are practicality, accessibility, cost, and time consumption. Many of these aspects are features that make the fundamentals of certain educational systems. In this text, we will give a general definition of distance education, open education, their main differences, and some of their most notorious advantages and disadvantages.
            Distance education could be considered as the way an institution practices its formal education through a separation of students which use technological appliances and services as their main platform for interaction. This platform is the connector between the students, the teachers, and the materials needed to course and approve subjects. Approving subjects leads to obtain valid assessment and significant achievement. It is important to mention that distance education has been practiced since men kind developed communicative technology. Some examples of this technology are the telegraph (first used in 1893), the radio (1916), and the television which appeared in the early twentieth century, and lately, the internet. Moore (2012) says that “different technologies, different teaching techniques, and different types of students all mean that different ways must be found to manage and administer the programs provided.” Nowadays, this modality called distance education has taken an important role in educational institutions due its demand and acceptance among students and teachers.
            In regards of open education, the word “open” opens a starting new perspective. This title embodies a “pre-philosophical understanding that openness as such is the primary constitutive element of the atmosphere that is essential to distinctly human learning.” this according to Nyberg (2010). It does not mean that open education lets learners do whatever they want to; instead, it gives freedom of choosing the tools that will accommodate learners to fulfill their academic achievement. Open education could also be described as an institutional practice that sets access to learning and training. This is reached by eliminating barriers that may prevent pupils from learning.  Open education gives students the hints to become autonomous since the usage of materials and shared information relies on their judgment.
 Distance education and open education also have certain differences. Distance education tends to follow a scheme or curricular plan which is imparted by trainers or teachers. The learners are separated by geographical distance and rely on communication devises to maintain relationships with their mentors and other colleagues. In the United States this is commonly called home school; this system also has pre-determined deadlines for assignment completion.  On the other hand, open education is a term used to ensure that this system of education will try to remove any barriers that may prevent pupils from learning. Some of these barriers are age, time, space, and, in some cases, the skills and abilities of the learner. In open education the learner is responsible for what, how, and where they learn. Both systems, distance and open education, help students achieve a certain level of education; yet, their main differences fall back on which type of education fits which student; this of course, depends on the learner himself, his/her aptitudes, and the achievements he/she possess.
            Distance education has the advantage of being non-expensive, (at least in my own experience) and this makes it very accessible to most people. Nevertheless, distance education may tend to be a little cold in relation to the teacher-student and student-student interaction. As its name implies, distance education tends to be distant in various means.  Open education has also many advantages, and one of them is the emphasis to avoid the barrier of time. This does not mean there is not a dead line to completing courses, but usually the extension of time is very considerable. This advantage could also become a disadvantage for this type of education system. Too much time may create a sense of non-importance on the pupil, and if he/she lacks self-discipline, this issue may considerably reduce the chances of finishing the courses.
            There are several institutions that promote distance and open education. Two of these institutions are the Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC, Mexico) and the Pre-university Center (CEPU- Centro Pre-Universitario, Mexico). The UABC promotes distance courses such as Curricular Design, Computers Applied to Education, and Teaching Grammar, among others; these classes prepare students to obtain Bachelor, Master, or Doctor Degrees. However, CEPU, for instance, is an institution that, in co-relation with SEP (Secretariat of Public Education, Mexico) provides tutoring for the Open-High School System in Mexico preparing learners for the approval of their mid-high studies.
            There is no doubt that distance and open education systems are of great service to learners. Although there might be certain factors that make them different, the reality is that both promote education for learners who desire to accomplish a goal in life. These two kinds of education create a greater sense of autonomy, self-discipline, and respect in the student. Both, distance and open education are great ways for learning when different circumstances do not allow learners to attend an in-person school system.

David A. Nyberg 2010, The Philosophy of Open Education 
Michael G. Moore & Greg Kearsley  2012, Distance Education: A Systems View of Online Learning

Monday, February 17, 2014


“An Expression in Search of a Definition”

Nyberg (2010) proposes “the following as a definition of ‘open education. “Open education” is that form of educational practice which is characteristically regulated by the following rules:”

1.      Students are to peruse educational activities of their own choosing: students should learn things of educational value and interest to them; not freedom to do anything, but freedom to choose wisely what they like.

2.      Teachers are to create environment rich n educational possibilities: the learning environment should be suitable for learning; this should be structured by the teacher in order to create educational possibilities for students to be interested in.

3.      Teachers are to give a student individualized instruction based on what he/she is
interested in, but they are also to guide the student along educationally worthwhile
lines; explicitly states that the teacher is to start with what the student is interested in. in the matter of guidance, the teacher must judge with he thinks is the interest of the student and work around it.

4.      Teachers are to respect students. The following count as exhibiting respect for the student:
a) The student is granted considerable freedom; he/she is, for the most part,
autonomous: this makes the student fully responsible of these decisions with the intention of promoting trust and respect.
b) Teachers are to create an environment rich in educational possibilities: connected with the 3rd rule, where the student has the right study in the right environment, focused on his education and educational needs.

c) The student’s interests and ideas are considered to be important and he/she
receives individual instruction and guidance based on his/her interests: this considers the student’s ideas relevant for his learning and, in a sense, it sets the teacher and the student as equals, in terms of importance. 

d) Students are rarely commanded; uses of authority are minimized: student’s feelings must be taken seriously; student is considered a reasonable and capable human being; dignity is at the most.

e) Students’ feelings are to be taken seriously: to show respect, respect student´s point of view, respect feelings instead of judging them.


Advantages and Disadvantages of Distance Education”



* study at own pace, has time to submerge into theme , time arrangement to fit needs, more family time

* control of pace to a great extent, control the way one learns

* in cases, full manageability of tasks

* open to different learning styles and strategies

* control the emphasis of what one study

* can skip past areas where one is already competent in order to save time and energy

* makes you more autonomous and aware of the decision-consequence process

* more materials then inside classroom , more open to different realia and materials

* helps you with the use of technology

* it is financially less expensive

* there are more chances to find space in an open education class

* human interaction
* too much free time might endanger the pace of the whole curricular repertoire

* very isolated experience

* absence of social links

* might be a little boring

* interruptions to learning can frustrate and demotivate

* certain real life things are taken for grated

Howard, Ron 1995, Distance Education for Language Teachers: A UK Perspective Multilingual Matters (Series)

“Own definition of distance education and open education”

What is distance education?
As we understand there is no precise definition for such term. To me, distance education could be defined as the way an institution practices its formal education through a separation of students that will use technological appliances and services as their main platform for interaction. This platform is the connector between students, teachers, and the materials needed for coursing and approving subjects in order to obtain valid assessment.

What is open education? This concept relates to distance education, but I think it is much wider since open education tends to be more “open” in many ways. This concept, to me, lets the student take almost all the control over what and how learning should be done. It lets student choose its own learning strategies, and the access to materials and resources comes in different ways; sharing input and output is also a crucial aspect of open education. “Openness is the only means of doing education.” Distance learning falls into the category of open education. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Reflection: Migrating aspects between online and in-class courses

Online education has many advantages that fit and accommodate to students needs and learning styles. Online education offers flexibility to students and a great variety of schools to choose from. This is why it is very important to meditate on the aspects that make in-class courses the bases of education. In this text, I will take a look at some of the characteristics about in-class education that can and cannot be transferred to online courses; this with the intention of providing a greater view of the subject.

Providing a positive learning environment is essential to capture the attention of the student and promote significant learning. I understand that the place where the computer sits may or may not be able to be rearranged, but the aspect of the course itself may be moderated by its creator. An attractive and easy to digest application is always a good motivator for learning. The pictures, the colors, and the manageability of the applications can reach to a level of acceptance depending of its “looks and practicality”.

Another characteristic of in-class courses that could be used in online classes is the proper combination of teaching and learning strategies and techniques. This aspect should always be taken in consideration since it provides a variety of ways for students to learn. One must not forget that everyone learns in different ways and teachers teach differently as well.

Another aspect that is important to bring to online courses is a trustful relationship between the instructor and the student. Even though both are not present (physically), they coexist in a virtual platform. A great way to encourage students to participate in these courses is by having the instructors provide positive feedback as a way of personalized coaching on time and manner. This way the students could be engaged even more into their education.

Other characteristics from in-class education that can migrate to online courses may include rewarding systems, promoting respect and values, renewing material and learning sources.

Some characteristics that cannot migrate from in-class to online courses are sitting and table arrangement, reinforcement of school behavior policies, and assurance of immediate coaching.

Sitting and table arrangement can obviously not be part of online classes, this due to the physical absence of students and classrooms. However, students can set up their work-study place to satisfy their comfort needs. Even though this is a type of arrangement, it could be considered a learning strategy. The reinforcement of school behavior policies are another thing that may not suit online courses, this applies mainly as a behavioral controllers and, since the interaction is virtual, these responsibility falls directly into the hands of the student; on line courses mainly promote autonomy and self-control. Unfortunately, a very delicate characteristic that may be hard to maintain is immediate coaching at all times. Since live chat may be limited, students may feel a little disoriented when dissipating spontaneous doubts at non-working or operational hours.
Although online and in-class courses have certain differences, both have something in common, they promote education and help students to become auto-sufficient, responsible, and well prepared human beings, capable of handling any situation they may come across in life. This text does not choose a side; instead, it sees both systems as complements of each other.