Saturday, February 22, 2014


Strengths and Weaknesses of Distance Learners

            As previously defined, distance education is an official educational system that uses communication technology as its platform for leaning. In difference to in-class courses, distance education does not promote physical presence of teachers nor students in a classroom. Distance education uses technology to provide the necessary materials and guidance for successful course achievement and completion. Nevertheless, students practicing distance education have strengths and weaknesses that deliver from the basis of this modality. These characteristics may impact learners differently, since each student has different attitudes towards their learning process and life expectations. The multiple-intelligence aspect plays also a very important role when choosing the appropriate courses and materials; this at least, worked for me.
            There are strengths that a distance education learner can acquire or develop while coursing this method. One of them is becoming more technologically skilled. The usage and interaction with technology is an important aspect of everyday life. The use of computers and internet is a must, nowadays. Distance education lets the learner explore different ways to investigate, produce, or transfer information. Since technology is the main platform for class interaction, the student can explore the World Wide Web to successfully find the resources needed to complete original and precise work, not mentioning that there are also social platforms where they can exchange ideas and thoughts with different colleagues and teachers. In my case, the usage of technology has taken me to accomplish my goals in college and develop significant learning fully applicable to my life and professional career. 
Another strength that could be found or developed in distance education is autonomy. Distance education lets students decide when and how they will be working on their assignments. Becoming autonomous is a major encouragement in new wave educational institutions, and distance education promotes this value highly. Autonomy is a synonym of responsibility; therefore, this is a major strength that every student and person should have. In my opinion, as part of my adult life, being autonomous is a guarantee of success and personal balance.
            In regards of the weaknesses that a distance learner may encounter while coursing this type of system, two come to my mind: the poor interaction and feedback from teachers and other students, and the experience with technology in a negative way. As humans, we are naturally social. A distance learner may find the aspect of loneliness hard to overcome, at least this happen to me once. Since the interaction among the class is through a virtual platform and in many cases only in written form, the learner may find himself unsecured about his progress, what to do with the assignments, and/or even when to do them.  Learners who are not accustomed to self-directed courses may feel isolated from the rest of the group and the learning experience itself. This may drive the student to feel unmotivated, depressed and unsecured; these last aspects could be igniters that may encourage students to abandon their studies. At one point, when I went back to finish high school, I enrolled in several distance courses, and these aspects, mention above, made me regret being part of them, but I must confess that my main failure was that I wanted to learn like some of my partners and never paid attention to my own way of learning. 
            Furthermore, another weakness that a distance learner may have is the use of technology. Technology nowadays is changing at rapid rate, and new applications and appliances are being used in distance education courses. The problem then resides in the skills that the learner has and the accessibility to such technology. For instance, certain courses need modern computer programs to accomplish their objectives. For instance, let us say that a student does not know how to manage this programs or worst cannot get the programs at all. This may cause frustration and discouragement to an extreme level.
In conclusion, there are different issues a distance learner may confront when using this educational system; however, distance learners should be encouraged to think positive and become aware of the difficulties that they may encounter in this system; by this I mean, getting informed. Distance learning is, sometimes, taken as an easy to pass-class experience, but the fact is that it should not be taken for granted. Students (including myself) should meditate on the risks and challenges of this modality, and the educational institutions should disclose this information explicitly when recruiting students. From experience, something that helped define what skills and aptitudes I was best at is the Multiple-Intelligence Test; therefore, I encourage students, teachers, and any educational institution to promote its usage since this is an essential aspect that may significantly impact the formation of any person who wants to achieve learning and academic competence.  

                                           Just for fun: I share with you my Multiple Intelligence Test results.

Intelligence type
my totals

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